Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Warm Days

Hello,  This is Crispus.  Finally my boredom was broken.  We previously had been stuck inside for multiple days on end.  Just stuck in there because of the cold weather.  

Finally!  The sun decided to work.  Snow melted and we went on a walk.  There wasn't much to eat but some pine needles.  I did get to meet a tiny cat called Tiger.  She was sunning on the porch.  I said 'Hi' and sniffed her nose.  She said "How do you do?" and sniffed back.  

We went around the house at least five times.  Also Coco lead multiple charges back to our pen.  Strawbaby also went against protocol and led one herself.  All in all it was a fun lazy day.
Left to Right by head positions: Crispus, Daisy,  Whitey, Coco, Blackberry, Strawbaby.
Contrary to this picture Coco did have fun.

One Question.  This is my post.  Why isn't there a good picture of me?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Are these two goats related?



Really these two don't look anything alike!

"Really?" they both say, "We look like Mother and Daughter."

(And good try photobombing Crispus)

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Goat Got It Once, Can He Do It Again?

Goats are smart.  You knew that.  If you didn't I just made you smarter.  Yet sometimes they lack just a little bitty smidgen of smartness to truly make them succeed. Thus comes this quick story.

Where I milk .. Oh!  This is Emm.  I should probably tell you that before you think some goat is writing this and doing the milking for me.  .... Where I milk is enclosed by a large door that has a latch only on one side.  Not the side I milk on.  I open it up and slip in, keeping the goats at bay with my ninja moves.  I am lugging grain buckets after all.  Then I pull the door closed and it sits right in its frame.  I might wedge some hay in the crack so it really sticks.  Red neck I know.  But there the door sits as I milk on the inside and opened up the door to push out goats and let in the next happy goats.

Goats have learned to open this door.  Strawbaby does it by working her lips in the tiny crack and patiently working the door out.  Sometimes works ... Sometimes not ... depending on how wedged it is.  For the life of me, I can't remember who it was, probably Coco, who would bump the door and get momentum going to swing the door out.  Suffering from punishment on entering without invitation have kept them from these antics.  Today a new door opener was born ......  Crispus, yes the star, will ever so often rear up on his hind legs and paw at the door.  He did that today but with a added bonus.  He worked at the open door latch with his mouth.  He fiddled with it as I watched through the door crack still keeping up the steady stream of milking.  His hooves pawed the side and I realized his mistake.  He was pulling on the latch but his own hooves would hit the door pushing the door closed.  

Finally, he succeeded!  His weight was on the wall not the door and with a pull the door swung open.  He darted in.  I spilled no milk as in a fluent movement I removed the milking bucket placing it on the ground and collared him around the neck.  It actually didn't really happen that fast but it sounds nice.  He wasn't pleased to leave the happy grain munching room.Now did Crispus know what he did?  Can he repeat the procedure tomorrow?  Time will tell......      

Friday, January 20, 2017

Sun Bathing Goat

Life has been boring.  With the cold and all.  We get locked in and then there isn't anything to do except run from grumpy goats, chase grumpy goats, and listen to the singing of goats. 
Oh, this is Crispus by the way.
Then the sun came out.  It was hot.  I tried to bask in it but ... HOT!  I was like melting along with the snow.  It did worry me but Parsley said I couldn't melt even if I was the color of the snow.  Load of my mind. 
But I had to go inside.  I got comfy then looked back out.  Little Whitey was still laying out there.  He will come in soon I thought.  I relaxed and chewed my cud.  When I refocused on the outside world I was shocked to see Little Whitey still out there!
I had a inner discussion with myself.  Then deciding on the more benevolent I got up.  I squinted my eyes against the glare and walked over to Little Whitey.  I pawed him up.  He was reluctant but gave in.
"What did you do that for?" Emm accused me, "he was enjoying the sun."
"Well, he had been there a long time and I didn't want his legs to fall asleep and if he got to hot who knows what kind of medical problems that could induce.  He could fry his brain!"
I started shuffling back inside, "There is a open, freshly cleaned bed for him right there."  Little Whitey had already deposited himself in one of the beds and I took the last remaining. 
"You are so cute," Emm said, "What a hard life you must have being a goaty."
"Very hard,  with this sun .... and .... this moon, I can't .... find ... hay .... "

Little Whitey in his bed, out of the hot sun.

Getting ready for nap, must chew the cud first

We are out.  Daisy left.  Crispus right.