Saturday, April 18, 2015

Strawbaby Finally has Kids!

Welcome Raspberry and  Handsome born between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. on April 14.
On the left is the girl Raspberry and the right is the boy Handsome.

When I went out to feed, I opened the door to the inside heated stalls.  It was a dust bowl in there!  Strawbaby was the one responsible for pawing up the storm, a good sign she was in labor.  She was also hunched over and her tail ligaments were very gone.  She ate her breakfast grain and proceeded to eat the alfalfa.  I watched her while milking and figured I had time to go and feed the baby chicks.  Not 20 minutes later I went to check on Strawbaby.  At the gate leading into the paddock I heard little 'maas' coming from the open window of Strawbaby's stall.  "!"  Baby must be here!  I rushed to the window and saw Strawbaby laying down reaching back and licking Handsome.  "!"  I hurried inside and saw legs sticking out of the hay pile next to Handsome.  It was another baby!  I moved Raspberry out of the hay pile and put her next to Handsome.  Strawbaby proceeded to clean them like crazy.   So Strawbaby had a very easy birth and I missed it!  Strawbaby is a very good mother and they are all healthy and doing well.  God has blessed me with two more beautiful kids and a carrying mom.  This years kidding is done,  Thank you God for all my wonderful goatys.  Here are some more pictures of God's new gifts.

Oh, and to top the day off, Sunshine, my sister's cow, had a beautiful heifer!